About Us

Mission Statement

The Roundtable is a community based nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting safe and healthy relationships, raising public awareness about abusive and controlling behaviors whether exhibited through bullying, teen dating violence, domestic violence, or elder abuse, and ending relationship violence in all its forms. We pursue these goals by educating our communities, supporting agencies that provide services to survivors of abuse, networking with other concerned community groups, and mobilizing community leaders. 

Diversity Statement

The Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable is committed to creating an environment that is diverse, inclusive and equitable where all volunteers and board members are treated with respect and dignity. 

We do not tolerate discrimination, biases, harassment or bullying of any kind. Regardless of race, socio-economic status, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, gender or marital status, we are an organization that celebrates the rich diversity of our community.

As an organization we agree to be guided by these principles and pledge that they will be reflected in our vision, mission, programming, governance and board composition. Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion extends to our board members, volunteers, the programs we support, and all those who attend events and activities we sponsor.

Our Areas of Focus

The Roundtable itself does not directly offer services to domestic or dating abuse survivors. If you are looking for support or help, contact your local domestic abuse programIf you aren’t sure where to reach out, you can call SafeLink at 877-785-2020 or CLICK HERE.

The Roundtable focuses on...

  • Creating public education and awareness-raising opportunities
  • Providing assistance to agencies, health professionals, educators, clergy and others engaged in efforts to reduce domestic abuse in our communities
  • Facilitating exchanges of information about effective strategies for addressing abusive behavior


  • Education and awareness programs for the general public.
  • Forums for professionals, agencies and organizations working in the field of domestic abuse to facilitate collaborations and the exchange of ideas.
  • Assisting community-based clergy associations in the design and implementation of interfaith initiatives to combat domestic abuse.
  • Assisting school systems in the design and implementation of anti-bullying and teen dating violence prevention programs.
  • Collaborating with news media to highlight all forms of abusive behavior and available  resources for abuse survivors.
  • Producing program material for community cable TV channels.
  • Organizing drives to collect basic necessities for abuse survivors residing in secure shelters, transitional housing, and in our local communities.
  • Printing and distributing helpline cards to public building restrooms, faith communities, businesses, medical/dental offices, hair/nail salons and restaurants.

Our Board

Karen Cohen
George L. Connor Jr (Treasurer)
Paul Crocetti (President)
Marilyn Ellsworth
Deepali Gulati
Lesley Orlinsky
Susan Pettit 
Sixmarie Rodriguez
Mitra Sioshansi
Julie Youdovin
Sydney Carter
Deborah Maini


The Domestic Violence Roundtable would like to acknowledge the following for their support in helping us grow and enhancing the events and activities we provide:

First Parish in Sudbury
First Parish in Wayland
Spirits of Maynard
Sudbury Extended Day
The Sudbury Villagers
Sudbury Wine and Spirits
Village Bank
The Women's Alliance of the First Parish Church in Wayland

Special thanks to the foundations for providing the grants which made our website possible.

The Sudbury Foundation

The Morris and Lillian P. Gould Family Foundation

Contact Us

We hope you will consider getting involved!  For more info about ways to join our efforts to address domestic abuse in our communities, email us at infodvrt@gmail.com.
Do not use this email address if you are looking for support or assistance, contact your local domestic abuse programIf you aren’t sure where to reach out, you can call SafeLink at 877- 785-2020 or CLICK HERE.
Click here to learn more about the type of events we have every season