
Help Us. If you would like to become actively involved, there are a variety of ways you can help:

Educational Events

  • Host the Domestic Violence Roundtable booth at public events.
  • Assist in the production of educational programs for cable TV.
  • Organize in-house educational programs.
  • Arrange informational programs in your religious community or your civic organization.

Community Outreach Events

  • Collect donations of items to be included in Valentine gift bags for women and children in shelters.
  • Conduct a drive for donations of needed items for shelters.
  • Assist with the placement of informational materials where they may be found by abuse victims.
  • Manage the Roundtable’s database.
  • Assist with Public Relations activities, such as the placement of news items in community newspapers.
  • Organize community-wide educational programs.
  • Work with PTOs and schools to organize anti-bullying and teen dating violence programs.

Other Activities

  • Provide refreshments for the Roundtable’s monthly meetings.
  • Help with mailings.
  • Assist in fundraising activities.
  • Help manage the Roundtable’s website.